Inno J, Vol. 2, Issue 1.
DOI 10.17613/jeq5d-yff16
Case Report
Diaphragmatic rupture secondary to aminophylline on a case
Medina-Martinez, Irving Alejandro¹; Velazquez-Palacios, Edgar Ivan²; Contreras-Dominguez, Karen Lisbeth².
¹Department of General Surgery, ISSSTE General Hospital, Querétaro, México.
²Department of Emergency Medicine, ISSSTE General Hospital, Celaya, México.
KEYWORDS: Rupture, diaphragm, aminophylline, shock, splenectomy, ceftriaxone.
ABSTRACT: Diaphragmatic rupture in most cases is due to traumatic conditions most of these cases are presented by closed abdominal trauma, with very rare spontaneous rupture, The presence of shock secondary to atrial compression is an uncommon pathology that generates a great hemodynamic commitment by lowering venous return. It is produced as in other cases described in the adult population, by the presence of a chronic gastric volvulus or a diaphragmatic hernia. Surprisingly, it is asymptomatic until symptoms identical to those described appear spontaneously or during pregnancy or childbirth. Spontaneous rupture (without prior trauma) of the diaphragm corresponds to Congenital embryological defect with an uncommon occurrence.
The authors have no conflict of interest
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Cite as: Medina-Martinez IA, Velazquez-Palacios EI, Contreras-Dominguez KL. Diaphragmatic rupture secondary to aminofiline on a case. Innoscience Journal. 2024. November 20;2(1):33-38. 10.17613/jeq5d-yff16
Received: Aug 20, 2024
Accepted: Sep 18, 2024
Published: Nov 20, 2024
Funding: This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare that this manuscript was approved by all authors in its current form and that there are no conflicts of interest.