Preparation Checklist for Submission
As part of the submission process, authors must ensure compliance with the following criteria. Failure to adhere to these guidelines may result in the return of submissions:
- The manuscript has not been previously published and is not under consideration by another journal (or a clarification has been provided in the Editor's Comments).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF format.
- References include available URLs.
- The text follows specific formatting: single-spaced, 12-point font, italics used (except for URLs), and illustrations, figures, and tables are incorporated within the text at relevant locations, not at the end.
- Adherence to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
Innoj exclusively accepts original articles not published elsewhere. Acceptance includes articles presented at events, provided the authors disclose this information.
Formatting standards:
- Maximum length: 20 pages.
- Languages accepted: English and Spanish.
- Authorship: maximum of 8 authors per article, with ORCID link, emails and affilations.
- Font: Times New Roman, size 12, line spacing 1.5.
- Figures and Tables: integrated within the text, editable, in font size 10 for both content and titles (above and below the graphic element).
- Title in English or Spanish at the file's start, font size 14.
- Abstract or resumén, with keywords and palabras clave, placed below the title with single spacing.
- References following Vancouver norms.
Copyright Notice:
Innoscience Journal reserves the right to make normative, orthographic, and grammatical changes to maintain language standards while respecting the authors' style. Final papers will not be sent for author review.
Privacy Statement:
Names and email addresses submitted to this journal will solely serve the journal's stated purposes and will not be shared or used for any other intent.